Discover the TGSS Suite and follow the demo!
The Terma Ground Segment Suite (TGSS) is a comprehensive set of tools that form a complete satellite control system, from satellite testing to operations. This allows the same tool set to be used throughout the whole spacecraft lifecycle. See below a presentation of the TGSS Suite: See below the demo:
Redesigned Hot Redundancy
After more than 10y, we have decided to refactor the HOTRED (hot redundancy) capability of CCS5. The new approach exploits new features created to support constellations which were not available at the time of the original design. We think the actions on failover, and robustness during a failure should be improved by these changes. […]
SYN Retirement
After nearly 20 years of use, and 3 years of announced deprecation, we have finally removed the SYN tool (Synoptic Editor) from the current release. We will henceforth focus our efforts on the new MIM editor & animator, based on QML. The reasons for this change of approach are:
New CCS5/TSC/uNIS Release 1.0.32271
New releases of CCS5, TSC and uNIS version 1.0.32271 are now available. Common Enhancements for TSC and CCS5 CCS5-specific Enhancements Bugfixes
Changes in CCS5 Web Service
Since long ago CCS5 provides RESTful API for: This Web service is implemented in Tcl as part of the SESS_SERVER component. If enabled in ConfigureCCS, it starts automatically on a CCS Server host. For the upcoming release we have reimplemented the Web service in Python, while keeping the REST API intact. This way we made […]
TUR and Users Activity are now optional
CCS5 has long been offering these two features that are enabled by default. However, they are required only in a handful of projects, and may cause inconvenience for others. Therefore, we have decided to turn them off by default, and projects that need them can still enable them in settings. TUR (Test Utilisation Reports) provide […]
Tcl package for the TLS protocol is deprecated
This announcement affects only users of the TclTLS package. TSC and CCS5 installers do not include this package and the OpenSSL library anymore due to the following. TclTLS is 3rd-party open source software that has been long abandoned. It doesn’t work with current releases of OpenSSL 3.x. Moreover, there’s a 6 years old bug that […]
Tcl packages to access MySQL and PostgreSQL are deprecated
This announcement affects only users of the mysqltcl and Pgtcl packages. These are 3rd-party open source packages that haven’t been supported by their respective authors for many years, and we received a number of bug reports related to them. Therefore, these packages are planned for removal in the next CCS5 release. Instead of them we […]
New CCS/TSC/uNIS Release 1.0.31324
New releases of CCS5, TSC and uNIS version 1.0.31324 are now available. Common Enhancements for TSC and CCS5 CCS5-specific Enhancements Bugfixes
Webinar coming up
On 20 September 2023 at 16:30 CEST, You are invited to get an exclusive behind the scenes look at CCS5 – our flagship product for monitoring and control functions for mission operations. During the webinar, we will present a live demo of our Spacecraft Control Software as well as a case study with the Thai […]
New STAT release version 0.1.1
Fixed bugs: STAT is a novel cross-platform product in TGSS for spacecraft data archiving andanalysis at a large scale. Learn more at our Products page.